The Crow and the Screwdriver

American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) by Kent Nickell

American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) by Kent Nickell

The Crow and the Screwdriver

by Emma Foster

(This is Emma’s Updated version of an article here – Birds of the Bible – Gifts From Birds)


Once there was a crow named Albert who would come to the front yard of a young girl’s house with other crows every day. They came daily because the girl would wait for the crows and feed them bread. This went on every day until the crows decided to bring her a gift in return for the bread.

One by one the crows started bringing little gifts for the girl. One crow found a nickel in a gutter, another found two paperclips by the side of the road, and a third found a shiny gum wrapper by a trashcan.

Albert wanted to bring something to the girl who was very special. Every day after the girl fed all the crows their bread, Albert would start his search. It couldn’t be just anything.

Albert didn’t know it, but a few days before, the girl’s father had been driving down a rough and bumpy road. The girl’s father worked at a construction company so all of his tools were in a toolbox in the passenger seat. The window had been open when the girl’s father went down the rough road so the screwdriver had fallen out the window after the truck had hit a small hole.

Crow at Flamingo Gardens by Lee (210)


Albert had been flying past that road when he noticed something shiny. Swooping down, Albert found the screwdriver and decided to bring it back to the girl.

It took a while for Albert to get the screwdriver in his beak to carry because it was very heavy, but Albert eventually was able to fly off the ground a few feet.

Screwdriver Found ©WikiC

Screwdriver Found ©WikiC

It took even longer to get back to the girl’s house, but when Albert flew to the front yard, the girl walked out to find Albert sitting there with the screwdriver next to him. The girl and her father were happy to see the screwdriver because the girl’s father had been looking for it and he needed it for construction. It was the only screwdriver that he owned.

From then on, the girl was sure to give Albert an extra big crumb of bread whenever he came to her front yard.

The End

And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!’
(Luke 15:9 NKJV)

Another fine tale from our developing young writer, Emma. Thanks again, Emma. We can all learn from caring about other, even when it quite a struggle to help.

The original post – Birds of the Bible – Gifts From Birds

More articles by Emma Foster:

Wordless Birds


7 thoughts on “The Crow and the Screwdriver

  1. Pingback: A Semi-tame CROW in Denmark | Lee's Birdwatching Adventures Plus

  2. Oh what a wonderful story and I love that Bible truth. What a sweet crow. In Texas we have a saying, “what goes around comes around” and so that screw driver came back around. Keep up the good work Emma!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful story Emma. Grandma and Grandpa are, as always, proud of you and you writing ability. love you,


  4. What a delightful tale — albeit a mite ‘screwy’ – and what a nice transition to Luke chapter 15: “I once was lost but now I’m found.” It reminds me of the cosmic perspective we are reminded of in Luke 10:20. Congratulations, Emma, on another fine bird tale.

    Liked by 1 person

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