Pipridae – Manakins

White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus) by Ian Montgomery

White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus) by Ian Montgomery

By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:3 NKJV)

CLASS – AVES, Order – PASSERIFORMES, Family – Pipridae – Manakins

Latest I.O.C. Version
Species (53)

Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin (Tyranneutes stolzmanni)
Tiny Tyrant-Manakin (Tyranneutes virescens)
Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin (Neopelma chrysocephalum)
Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin (Neopelma sulphureiventer)
Pale-bellied Tyrant-Manakin (Neopelma pallescens)
Wied’s Tyrant-Manakin (Neopelma aurifrons)
Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin (Neopelma chrysolophum)
Yellow-headed Manakin (Chloropipo flavicapilla)
Jet Manakin (Chloropipo unicolor)
Araripe Manakin (Antilophia bokermanni)
Helmeted Manakin (Antilophia galeata)
Long-tailed Manakin (Chiroxiphia linearis)
Lance-tailed Manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata)
Blue-backed Manakin (Chiroxiphia pareola)
Yungas Manakin (Chiroxiphia boliviana)
Blue Manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata)
Pin-tailed Manakin (Ilicura militaris)
Golden-winged Manakin (Masius chrysopterus)
White-throated Manakin (Corapipo gutturalis)
White-ruffed Manakin (Corapipo altera)
White-bibbed Manakin (Corapipo leucorrhoa)
Olive Manakin (Xenopipo uniformis)
Black Manakin (Xenopipo atronitens)
Green Manakin (Cryptopipo holochlora)
Blue-crowned Manakin (Lepidothrix coronata)
Snow-capped Manakin (Lepidothrix nattereri)
Golden-crowned Manakin (Lepidothrix vilasboasi)
Opal-crowned Manakin (Lepidothrix iris)
Orange-bellied Manakin (Lepidothrix suavissima)
White-fronted Manakin (Lepidothrix serena)
Blue-rumped Manakin (Lepidothrix isidorei)
Cerulean-capped Manakin (Lepidothrix coeruleocapilla)
Orange-crested Manakin (Heterocercus aurantiivertex)
Yellow-crested Manakin (Heterocercus flavivertex)
Flame-crested Manakin (Heterocercus linteatus)
White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus)
White-collared Manakin (Manacus candei)
Golden-collared Manakin (Manacus vitellinus)
Orange-collared Manakin (Manacus aurantiacus)
Crimson-hooded Manakin (Pipra aureola)
Wire-tailed Manakin (Pipra filicauda)
Band-tailed Manakin (Pipra fasciicauda)
Club-winged Manakin (Machaeropterus deliciosus)
Kinglet Manakin (Machaeropterus regulus)
Striolated Manakin (Machaeropterus striolatus)
Painted Manakin (Machaeropterus eckelberryi)
Fiery-capped Manakin (Machaeropterus pyrocephalus)
White-crowned Manakin (Pseudopipra pipra)
Scarlet-horned Manakin (Ceratopipra cornuta)
Red-capped Manakin (Ceratopipra mentalis)
Round-tailed Manakin (Ceratopipra chloromeros)
Golden-headed Manakin (Ceratopipra erythrocephala)
Red-headed Manakin (Ceratopipra rubrocapilla)


On the photos or slides, a “by” indicates one of the photographers or videographers, who have given their permission, with links on our sidebar. Please visit their site to see many more fantastic shots, a “©©” copyright symbol indicates a photo from Creative Commons and ©WikiC is a Creative Commons photo from Wikipedia.

Photographers or Videographers used on this page from our sidebar, Photography, are:
©Arthur Grosset’s Birds
Ian Montgomery’s Birdway
Keith Blomerley – Videographer
Robert Scanlon’s Gallery

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The manakins are a clade (Pipridae) of unique small suboscine passerine birds. The group contains some 60 species distributed through the American tropics. The name is from Middle Dutch mannekijn ‘little man’ (also the source of the different bird name mannikin).

The genus Tyranneutes comprise the smallest manakins, the genus Antilophia are believed to be the largest (since the Schiffornis genus are no longer considered manakins). They are compact stubby birds with short tails, broad and rounded wings, and big heads. The bill is short and has a wide gap. Females and first-year males have dull green plumage; most species are sexually dichromatic in their plumage, the males being mostly black with striking colours in patches, and in some species having long, decorative tail or crown feathers or erectile throat feathers. In some species, males from two to four years old have a distinctive subadult plumage.

The syrinx or “voicebox” is distinctive in manakins, setting them apart from the related families Cotingidae and Tyrannidae. Furthermore, it is so acutely variable within the group that genera and even species can be identified by the syrinx alone, unlike birds of most oscine families. The sounds made are whistles, trills, and buzzes. (Wikipedia with editing)


Videos of Manakins by Keith Blomerly

Band-tailed Manakin by Keith


Red-capped Manakin by Keith


From NatGeoWild

Some of the Family – Photos are Alphabetical down the columns:

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