Birdwatching at Zoos

Galah (Eolophus roseicapilla) and Dan

This is Birdwatching really close

Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? (Job 39:13 KJV)


Dan and I enjoy birdwatching trips to the Zoos. Some are very interesting and you can really get close to the birds. Some zoos are very difficult to get photos, but you still get to see some of the Lord’s many fantastic birds from around the world. We have neither the time or the resources to travel there, but zoos offer an opportunity to enjoy God’s creation up close. Another reason to visit zoos is to see many of the Birds of the Bible.

Most Life List are only for your country, but my overall Life List counts every species of birds that we have had the privilege to see. Whether wild or captive. Most Zoos are very good to their animals and birds. Many are breeding endangered ones to preserve the species for future generations to enjoy and for them to increase.

Here are the Zoos we visit, some many times. My overall favorite is Zoo Miami’s Wings of Asia aviary. We see Lowry Park Zoo often, because it is near and we have passes. We have a goal of see the San Diego Zoo in 2015. My favorite may change at that time.

Lowry Park Zoo, FL

Brevard Zoo, FL

Zoo Miami’s and the Wings of Asia, FL

Central Florida Zoo, FL

Jacksonville Zoo, FL

National Aviary, PA

Riverbanks Zoo, SC

Cincinnati Zoo, OH



More Birdwatching Trips



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