Back from Vacation

Then He said to them, “Come away, all of you, to a quiet place, and rest awhile.” For there were many coming and going, so that they had no time even for meals. (Mar 6:31 WNT)

Duck Lake - Robbins AFB, GA

Duck Lake - Robbins AFB, GA

Dan and I have been on vacation, and are back now. Guess I will have to get busy and write some more articles. Between traveling and having computer problems that knocked me off the Internet, I haven’t been able to do much. Thanks to other’s articles and what few I could get up, we have kept things sort of running.

Zonkey at Creation Museum

Zonkey at Creation Museum

We went to Indiana to visit family, the Creation Museum in Kentucky, then Ohio to visit a friend, and friends in Georgia. We were suppose to be “birdwatching” our way home, but the heat indexes were in the 100+ degree range. The birds were hiding and so were we. So, we came home four days early.

I “birdwatched” from the car as Dan drove us up and back. I did keep a list. On the way up, several birds that hit my fancy (because we don’t get to see them often) were: Swallow-tailed Kites, American Crows, Cardinals, Robins, Purple Martins, and a Red-tailed Hawk. On the way home – a Kestrel, lots of Eastern Meadowlarks, a Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers and Bluebirds at a park (Blue Lick Battlefield SRP in Kentucky)

Brown Thrasher - Robbins AFB, GA

Brown Thrasher - Robbins AFB, GA

The best “birdwatching” we got to do was at Robbins AFB in Georgia.  They have a Duck Lake where we were able to see the most birds. Here is what we saw or heard there on the 27th of June: Eastern Pewee, Hairy and a Downy Woodpecker, Mockingbirds, Cardinals, Carolina Wren, Blue Jays, White Breasted Nuthatch, Mourning Doves, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, House Sparrows, Great Egret, Brown Thrasher, Brown Headed Cowbird, Red-headed Woodpecker, Little Blue Heron, Rock Pigeons, Brown Thrush, Cattle Egrets and several I am trying to ID. It is very wooded around the lake and made for great birding.

2 thoughts on “Back from Vacation

  1. Love that zonkey! Since you published it, I’m sure I’ll find it on Google Images. It’s just too beautiful not to use down the road!
    Glad you at least got to get away from the routine. I’m not getting a vacation this year. Between the new book and 5 blogs, I am “too busy”. It’s a shame, isn’t it?


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