White-fronted Bee-eater – The Community Developer

White-fronted Bee-eater (Merops bullockoides) by Bob-Nan

White-fronted Bee-eater (Merops bullockoides) by Bob-Nan

White-fronted Bee-eater – The Community Developer ~ by ajmithra

The White-fronted Bee-eater, Merops bullockoides, is a species of bee-eater widely distributed in sub-equatorial Africa. They have a distinctive white forehead, a square tail and a bright red patch on their throat. They nest in small colonies, digging holes in cliffs or earthen banks but can usually be seen in low trees waiting for passing insects from which they hunt either by making quick hawking flights or gliding down before hoveringbriefly to catch insects.

This species, like other bee-eaters, is a richly coloured, slender bird, but with a distinctive black mask, white forehead, square tail and a bright red throat. The upperparts are green, with cinnamon underparts. The call is a deep squeak. White-fronted Bee-eaters are found in the vast savannah regions of sub-equatorial Africa. The habitat commonly consists of open country, often near gullies, because this is the region that their food (bees) lives.

Where there are bees, there these bee-eaters are..

  • We are the inheritors of the kingdom of God, and the working partners of God in building His kingdom…
  • But, where are we found?
  • Martha knew this that’s why she chose to sit at the feet of Jesus instead of cooking in the kitchen like Mary….
  • Look how Mary got frustrated cos of Martha!
  • She in fact would’ve turned jealous of her and that maybe the reason why she started complaining to Jesus..
  • When our live revolves around Jesus, we become new..
  • We will not be jealous and we will never complain..

Its when we start complaining, that we should know that we are in the kitchen like Mary and not sitting in His presence like Martha..

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Southern Carmine Bee-eater (Merops nubicoides) by Africaaddict

Southern Carmine Bee-eaters (Merops nubicoides) on bank by Africaaddict

White-fronted bee-eaters nest in colonies averaging 200 individuals, digging roosting and nesting holes in cliffs or banks of earth. A population of bee-eaters may range across many square kilometres of savannah, but will come to the same colony to roost, socialize, and to breed. White-fronted bee-eaters have one of the most complex family-based social systems found in birds.

Their diet is made up primarily of bees, but they also take other flying insects depending on the season and availability of prey. Two hunting methods have been observed. They either make quick hawking flights from lower branches of shrubs and trees, or glide slowly down from their perch and hover briefly to catch insects.

Colonies comprise socially monogamous, extended family groups with overlapping generations, known as “clans” which exhibit cooperative breeding. Non-breeding individuals become helpers to relatives and assist to raise their brood. In white-fronted bee-eaters, this helping behavior is particularly well developed with helpers assisting in half of all nesting attempts. These helpers may contribute to all aspects of the reproductive attempt, from digging the roosting or nesting chamber, to feeding the female, incubating and feeding the young; and have a large effect on increasing the number of young produced. Only 50% of non-breeders in a colony typically become helpers, and whether or not an individual becomes a helper and to whom it provides aid is heavily dependent on the degree of kinship involved. Non-breeders are most likely to become helpers when breeding pairs are close genetic relatives.

When faced with a choice of potential recipient nests helpers preferential help the breeding pair to who they are most closely related, suggesting that this behaviour may serve to increase the helper’s inclusive fitness …. The life style of these birds reminds us of the early church where everyone shared all that they had among themselves and lived as one large extended family..

  • When did the church forget to share their blessings?
  • We say that we are the body of Christ and that Christ is the head of the family, but, We still live either as individuals or as little groups inside the church..
  • Is that the reason why the church is not able to extend the boundaries of the eternal Kingdom?
  • How many good Samaritans are still living among us?
  • Or in other words how many Annanias and Sapphiras are still inside the church?

Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? (Ecclesiastes 4:11)

White-fronted Bee-eater (Merops bullockoides) by Africaddict

White-fronted Bee-eater (Merops bullockoides) by Africaddict

Female White-fronted Bee-eaters leaving their nesting burrows must avoid pursuit by unmated males who may force them to the ground and rape them. Furthermore their unwelcome attentions are preferentially against females who are laying eggs and who thus might lay the eggs of their rapist rather than their mate.

  • This reminds us of Dinah, daughter of Jacob, who went out alone to have a look around the countryside and how she was defiled and how there was bloodshed among the Hivites..
  • This reminds the church to cling to the Bridegroom rather than to tradition and custom…
  • Tradition and custom can never take us further in our pursuit to holiness, but, it is the presence of God in our lives that makes the difference..
  • Sin was not found among Adam and Eve until they disobeyed and ate the fruit..
  • Is that why Eve gave birth to Cain who turned into a murderer?
  • The duty of the bride is to stay close to the bridegroom and that is where she would have protection…

If you have lost your way, find THE WAY and cling on to Him…

It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me. (Song of Solomon 3:4)

  • Jacob didn’t leave God until He blessed him…
  • Moses didn’t leave God’s presence till he got the answer from God..
  • Never leave God’s presence until something happens…

Have a blessed day!

Your’s in YESHUA,
a j mithra

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Bee-eaters are in the Meropidae Family.

White-fronted Bee-eater (Merops bullockoides) sitting on a branch, by Keith Blomerley.


3 thoughts on “White-fronted Bee-eater – The Community Developer

  1. Thank you Phil for your encouraging words.. What you say is right.. There is so much room for an approach to the natural world and of course they are simple scientifc descriptions with a profound spiritual meaning to it… That is why Prophet Job asks us to learn from nature through those verses in Job 12:7&8…
    Thank you once again for taking time to comment…
    a j mithra


  2. What you’re doing in this post is interesting. I’m a Christian birder so enjoyed both aspects of the piece. The risk always is that our attempts to draw parallels between faith and the natural world lay us open to charges of anthropomorphism. I bumped up against that problem recently in a post called ‘The Forgiveness of Grass’ (http://bit.ly/j3xJRO). Personally, I think there is room for an approach to the natural world which isn’t simple scientific description. Many of the parallels between people and birds, for example (such as people and birds as community-builders) simply underline that we are part of the natural world. I don’t think it’s surprising that that here is common ground between human and animal social organization. Shalom, phil


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