Birdwatching is the right thing to do!

Appreciating  birds  (including,  but  not  limited  to,  Birdwatching)  is  the  right  thing  to  do!

Dr. James J. S. Johnson

birds-Matthew6.25-26 Now begins a new series (D.v.), on “Birds Are Wonderful! — And Some Are a Little Weird“.*

In this series we will learn to appreciate a variety of birds, while appreciating our great God Who made all those birds — and while also realizing that our great God made each of us who we are, though He could have made us otherwise!birds-grackle.could-have-been-you

Of course, birds began on Day 5, so birds are older than the human race — by 1 day  — since God made the original human pair (Adam & Eve) on Day 6 of Creation Week.

birds-Genesis1.20-22Stay tuned!

* Quoting from “Birds Are Wonderful, and Some Are a Little Weird”, (c) AD2019 James J. S. Johnson   [used here by permission].