Words and Birds of Encouragement: Breathtaking Beauty

Self-isolation blues, financial troubles, loved ones fallen ill, fear of contracting coronavirus… these weights are burdening many. On top of that, we may be unable to congregate in our churches or visit our favorite birding spots. Although a pale substitute for both, I pray you are uplifted by this short series of Words and Birds of Encouragement. For what can be more encouraging than the birds of this world and words of the world to come! William

Painted Bunting; Pickney Island National Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. ©www.williamwisephoto.com.

“’What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’—the things God has prepared for those who love Him—these are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 2:9-10

Think of the breathtaking joy you experienced upon spotting a new, beautiful life-bird. That was me when taking my first photo of a vibrant Painted Bunting. I could barely hold the camera still and nearly fumbled for the shutter button in excitement! Now, imagine the joy as you open your eyes in the hereafter and get your first glimpse of heaven! Breathtaking amazement and vibrant color beyond compare; unending joy and delight; eternal fellowship with our Savior! True, nobody here has seen it. But God has revealed it by His Spirit… and by His creation. If a birders first spotting of a bunting can be so breathtaking, imagine heaven!

Hi, I’m wildlife photographer and nature writer William Wise. I was saved under a campus ministry while studying wildlife biology at the University of Georgia. My love of the outdoors quickly turned into a love for the Creator and His works. I’m currently an animal shelter director and live in Athens, Georgia with my wife and two teenage daughters, who are all also actively involved in ministry. Creation Speaks is my teaching ministry that glorifies our Creator and teaches the truth of creation. William Wise Nature Notes is my wildlife and birding photo blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation.  — “What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations.” Psalms 104, The Message.

2 thoughts on “Words and Birds of Encouragement: Breathtaking Beauty

    • I’ll never forget the first time I saw a Painted Bunting. My eyes about popped out. I was so excited, but I didn’t have a camera in hand. Yes, thanks, William, for reminding us of our first views of heaven. Today’s challenge will be far from our memories.

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