Lee’s Five-Word Friday – 1/29/16


Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii) by Judd Patterson

Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii) by Judd Patterson


Wonders Which You Have Done


Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count.
(Psalms 40:5 NASB)

Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii) by Judd Patterson


Sandra’s New Kooky Challenge


5 thoughts on “Lee’s Five-Word Friday – 1/29/16

  1. By the way, Lee, have you ever red Flannie Flagg’s book “A Redbird Christmas”? It’s a delightful book and focuses a good deal on birds and what a healing part they play in our lives emotionally. I don’t actually like any of Flannie Flagg’s other books, but I love that one so much that I read it every year. It isn’t technically a ‘Christian’ book, but it has so many Christian overtones that you see God’s hand at work even though it doesn’t come right out and say it.

    Liked by 1 person

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