Afraid To Stick Neck Out

Great Egret with head tucked in at Gatorland

“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10 KJV)

I found this Great Egret at Gatorland recently who was afraid to stick his neck out. Have you ever felt that way? As many readers are aware, there have been numerous broken links discovered on this site. Many pages have been fixed already, yet there are hundreds and hundreds more that need to be corrected. After chatting with WordPress again today, there is not much they can do to revive the deleted photos and music from the Media Cache. I did find out today, it is possible that this site was hacked. “You’re kidding,” I told them. “No, others have had that happen”.

For those of us on WordPress and other sites for that matter, they said it is very important to use a STRONG password. Also, to use a two-step authentification. I have since rechanged the password again. Here is a link to instructions on how to do this on

Two Step Authentication

For now, I am not going to pull my head in, but am going to plug away at repairing the damage done to Lee’s Birdwatching Adventures Plus. This was not quite the “Adventure”  I had in mind, but it would be wrong to pull my head in and give up. Who knows, maybe the Lord will help me improve it and find more ways to show forth His wonderful Birds and Creation. Stay tuned!

Great Egret at Gatorland by Dan


2 thoughts on “Afraid To Stick Neck Out

  1. Reminds me of a couple times when something controversial occurred, and I was unprepared (or confused) to react, and by the time I realized what I could/should do, the moment of opportunity was gone. And those memories haunt me. In the future I will give an account, to the Lord Jesus, not just for sins actively committed — but also for sins of omission (which are actually just as sinful as so-called “sins of commission”) — see James 4:17. Thankfully all of my sins, whether committed actively and passively, are fully paid for by Christ’s once-for-all substitutionary death on the cross (for our sins), and His resurrection (3 days later) to prove that He had conquered sin and death forever! (By the way, Lee, great photograph of the Great Egret, at Gatorland!)

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